
Innovations on Hydrogen-based Processes & Technologies

In the framework of the 9th edition of the International Hydrogen Technologies Congress – IHTEC2025, the Workshop entitled ‘Innovations on Hydrogen-based Processes & Technologies’ is organized with the purpose of illustrating the latest development on Hydrogen technologies proposed in selected relevant International & European  projects, with the further intent to bring the academicians, researchers, scientists, policy makers, and students to realize new collaborations among universities, industrial partners, and governments. In this regard, further scope of this special session will be the illustration of the role of Hydrogen Energy/Economy in the transition from a carbon-based to a decarbonized and circular economy, useful to make the sustainable development reliable.

Workshop Topics:

  • Hydrogen and fuel cells technologies
  • Renewable, clean and sustainable hydrogen production
  • Membrane technologies, Process Intensification and Industrial applications
  • Carbon capture, storage & utilization
  • Hydrogen storage, safety and utilization in transportation
  • Renewable Sources utilization in the Circular Economy

Workshop Coordinators

Ass. Prof. Canan ACAR
University of Twente, The Netherlands

National Research Council, Italy

Selected speakers:

Alberto Figoli, Director of the Institute on Membrane Technology of the National Research Council, Italy

Project title: Operational Plan for Hydrogen Research, POR H2 – EU/NextGeneration EU – Program Agreement MASE/ENEA PNRR

Prof. Selmiye Alkan Gürsel, Associate Dean for Research at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Sabanci, Türkiye

Project title: The Hydrogen Valley Project of Türkiye: HYSouthMarmara Hydrogen Shore

Dr. Jan Veres, Project manager for hydrogen activities & Research group leader: Innovation and safety – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Project title: Research Excellence for Region Sustainability and High-tech Industries, REFRESH – International project

Dr. Vivina Cigolotti, Head of Division of Technologies and Vectors for Decarbonization: Storage, Hydrogen, Mobility, CCUS, and End Uses of the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy

Project title: Driving Innovation Towards Future Aviation With Cutting-Edge Refuelling Technologies And Processes ALRIGH2T – EU project

Dr. Krzysztof Kapusta, Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Installations in GIG’s Clean Coal Technology Centre. Coordinator of Centre for Climate and Renewable Energy Research, Poland

Project title: Delevopment of H2 oriented municipal waste refinery based on a novel borehole gasification process combined with advanced gas separation techniques, HYDROMINE – EU project

Dr. Matteo Testi (Head of Unit HyRES – HYdrogen Technologies and Resilient Energy Systems, Center for Sustainable Energy – SE, Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) Italy

Project title: A novel system for the utilization and conversion of ammonia into electric power at high efficiency using a solid oxide fuel cell system AMON – EU project

Dr. Alessandra Beretta (Full professor of Chemical Engineering and a Member of the Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes at the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Milano)

Project title: EMERALD – A Novel Electrified Reactor with Radial Current and Flow for the Intensification of Endothermic Catalytic Processes
Research project funded by Air Liquide